Day Programs


The D.A Center is a day program committed to supporting individuals who live with special needs.  The D.A. Center develops and implements Person Centered Plans that meet a variety of needs and desires for the individuals we provide service for.  Each plan is developed with the individual, for the individual.

The D.A. Center facilitates social activities in the community, as well as at the day program.  Maintaining and building relationships and promoting Person Centered Plans strengthen individual growth and independence.

The D.A. Center participates in a variety of community activities that cater to the interests of each individual we support.  Some of the community activities include; swimming , bowling, local Farmers Markets, curling and dancing at the Halina Center. We also walk indoors at Kal-Tire Place and access local parks and boardwalks in our community.  The D.A. Center offers adaptive cycling from our program when weather permits.  Throughout the winter we are involved in snowshoeing, skiing and taking in Winter Carnival events.

Working closely with the CRIS (Community Recreational Initiatives Society) Program gives individuals the opportunity to participate in activities throughout the year, including kayaking, hiking, biking and snowshoeing.

We provide communication assistance with the support of CAYA (Communication Assistance for Youth and Adults).  D.A. Center staff are able to support individuals with AAC (Augmentative or Alternative Communication) devices, from basic PEC symbols to iPad communication and programming.
We help build communication bridges in accordance to how each individual communicates.

Contact Us today for more information.